Friday, June 17, 2011

Moving Forward

It's been 16 days since my last post & we've had a few things happen. First off we had a weigh/measure day on June 8th. Ryan was at 242 & I was at 195. As you could guess we weren't thrilled with the numbers but we dealt with it. This week on the 15th things took a turn, some good & some not so good.
Ryan was back up to 245. We can't figure it out but hashed around some ideas. One thing that we think could be blocking him is his obsession with coffee. He drinks POTS of it. Like 1 1/2 pots a day JUST at home. This doesn't include what he might drink at work & if it's a day off he might easily drink 2+ pots. Now this wouldn't be as big a deal IF he was drinking it black but typically only 1-2 cups a day are black. Most of it has the Fat Free version of Nestle Coffee-Mate French Vanilla creamer & sugar in it. So you start adding that all up & it could very well be a stumbling block for him. I told him that perhaps he should try to give it up for a week, either coffee as a whole or at least the cream & sugar, & he looked at me like I'd lost my mind & says, "I don't know if I can." Can you say ADDICTION?? So, we'll see if he decides to give it a try. 
For me things were a bit better this week. I weighed 191. This is the first time I've gone below 195 & I was pretty happy about that! The 190's are seemingly taking forever to get out of & I thought the 200's were bad! We'll see how things go next week though. I tend to fluctuate up & down a lot so there's a good chance I'll be higher next week. I'm trying to be positive but that would be consistent with what I've done so far. 

On the workout front things have changed a bit. We talked to Audrey about changing things up. We can't seem to get it together every evening to go workout. By the time we both get home from work we're tired, hungry & just want to relax a little. That doesn't include dealing with any kid drama/crisis or family drama/crisis that comes along & running errands. So a workout tends to get pushed to the bottom of the list. Now with the weather being nicer there's a lot we want to go do so that pushes the workout even further down that list. So, we asked Audrey to revamp our schedule to give us every other night off, mainly Mondays since the gym is so packed if we need to go there (with the nice weather we're doing more outside), & see if that would help. It's received mixed reviews. In some ways it's been easier but what we're finding is that the evenings are just not good timing for working out. We could do morning workouts on Ryan's days off because even if I have to work at 7am, like I have to sometimes, we could still go & not have it be too bad & we may try it. On Ryan's work days though the morning workout will NOT happen. He has to leave the house by 5am & I am NOT working out at 3am so he can leave that early. That just seems slightly insane to me. So, maybe during his 6 days off we'll workout in the a.m.'s & on his 8 days on we'll do the evening & see if that helps. I know we have to be frustrating Audrey & we want to keep her happy since she has the power to torture the hell out of us during our workouts with her! Speaking of, she created a track workout we do at the high school & it kicked my butt! I finished it but running bleachers, although I'm not sure if you could call what I do running, was not my ideal. Since we did that workout with her we've done it one other time on our own & I was happy that I finished it a second time. So at least I know I'm further along than I was back in January when I couldn't even walk half a mile without feeling like I was dying! Nothing like improvement & progress....

1 comment:

  1. Ya,keep me happy cause I can turn mean almost as fast as the hulk ;-)

    Congrats on 191!!!!!!
